Self Love, Yes We All Need It....
Records at Bull Moose Music in Portsmouth, New Hampshire |
"Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream."
~John Lennon
~John Lennon
I found myself recently joining in on a group conversation
one evening about what it means to really start to take care of you. Hmmm, I
have to say that I have been learning the “art” to this for sometime now. I
feel that I’m an artist painting a canvas with a new coat of paint these days.
I love the saying by Wayne Dyer that ego means that you “edge god out” of your
life. I’ve been working hard each & every day to do something for me from
the source not letting that hamster of mine take over. Recently, I’ve decided
to play again. My inner artist has to come out to save my creativity.
Creativity shouldn’t be something that was only accepted during childhood &
then suddenly crashed by closing the door shut once you reach adult hood, but
rather something that keeps on shining like the loving earth’s radiant core
star. Watch this excellent Ted Talk on creativity, Ken Robinson: Says Schools Kill Creativity!
There’s some remarkable beauty in
this blog post on the Daily Love, Are You Great At Taking Care Of Others But Not Yourself, I highly suggest checking it. It’s so beautiful & the
right message that I have been hearing this week. Something must be in
alignment! Oh it’s beautiful! Well, let’s just say that I found something in a
few of the play dates that I have given myself recently. Jeg elsker dig is
Danish for I Love You!
Recently read Sacre Bleu: A Comedy d’Art by Christopher Moore & Bridget Jones-Mad About the Boy by Helen
Fielding. Both I loved. But there’s something so special about Bridget Jones
that you can’t stop to get enough of.
Having dinner with a friend of mine & his
kids. I must admit that I did inspire them to see the world by showing them
photos from my travels in Asia.
Learned how to use Tarot cards! Loved them! I
even treated myself to a deck.
Having fun during gymnastics with special needs
kids. I felt like wearing my Nerds as
in the Wonker Candy purple knee high
socks that I got at FAO Swartz just for the occasion.
Had a little too much fun in the Homegoods
Department at TJ Maxx. Love that
place for a deal!
Spending time with my aunt & uncle by going
to see Last Vegas at Smitty’s Cinema Smitty's Cinema & having a delicious dinner at David's Boat House.
Listing to my guides & burning items.
Treated myself to a yummy dinner at Street in Portsmouth,
New Hampshire. Great food, large portions & loves the Latin America &
Asian fusion. I was in heaven!
Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s. Need I say no more, great deals!
Treated myself to a yummy soy (they didn’t have
almond milk) Chai latte (I gave up coffee, so the usual Mocha Latte was out of
the question) at Breaking New Grounds
in Market Square in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It’s a great coffee shop!
I enjoyed seeing The B-52’s at The Music Hall
in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. My inner 80’s child had to come out for this one.
Great show! Danced the night away!
Doing daily meditations & chanting. Right
now, I highly suggest to check out the following: 21 Days of Gratitude
& Oprah & Deepak Desire & Destiny Challenge .
Relaxing in salt baths & a salt rituals to
clear my aura.
Dancing in the morning all by myself &
singing on top of my lungs in the car.
Not being shy asking friends for help &
feeling grateful for their help! Mucho gracias!
Send love to the Philippines!
Surprised people with cards & gifts that my
guides told me to give.
Played with my camera, well my iPhone (it’s my
aim & create) & posted some new photos on Instagram.
Loving this by Paulo Coelho, "It's a good idea always to do something
relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life."