Wizards Tricks...

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."
~Joseph Campbell

As a good wizard graduating from Hogsworth mastering magic, the path is a rather a life style changing event. Do you really think that reverting back to the past is what I want do?  If you said yes, then I would look at you with rocks in your head. Oh no, it’s not about stepping back into darkness to master what He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named master to become the greatest dark wizard of all time. It’s rather walking the path like Harry Potter did to master all of the tools that he learned & getting by with help from his friends.
Let’s see what tools that I have or am learning to master to make way with my own Defense of the Dark Arts that I’m doing to enhance my creativity. Yes, as we become older on the road maps of life, the creativity piece gets lost inside of us. We put up a fight with our own selves to make conditions that later no longer serve us. When you walk the path of a brave wizard seeking out all of the knowledge of the wizard world to defeat the darkness your life shifts in way that are very healthy.  The creativity that you’re searching for is really inside of you, not an external force. It’s become more comfortable in your own skin. It’s about mastering your own self courage & to see your real inner beautiful strength.
Let’s see, I’ve found my way listing to Recovery 2.0  again this year. The talks are enlightened for sure. A deeper look on the art of helping yourself overcomes the constant mind chatter. It’s not really about saying if something is good or bad for you, but when the additions of behavior patters are. Yes, the substance alone is not going to make you addicted, but it’s the clinging behaviors of your own self thinking that will. It’s about becoming still with your own mind to see the light!
Daily yoga & mediation works for me. They have become very powerful tools for me over the years. I really enjoy connecting with liked minded kinder spirits in a group setting to enhance the interconnectedness that we are all one! Connecting to source energy is a beautiful thing. Oh, chanting mantras help as well to break obstacles. I enjoy doing a chakra clearing every morning to start my day.
Changing my diet is always a challenge. Unfortunately, the foods in the States are not always reliable with the whole GMO issue. It’s sad that crops scientifically changed to increase profits for the company rather taking personal health & welfare into consideration. Gluten is a major health concern. It’s sad that the gluten in our modern day food has been changed & it’s not the same as older generations. I have pretty much gone gluten free & it has made a huge difference. I have more energy & helps to prevent anxiety from taking over.  Also eating greens in the morning are a good source energy booster for the day. There’s nothing wrong with going dairy free too. I’ve enjoyed using coconut milk with creating delicious smoothies to start my day! There’s so much goodness in food. It’s natural medicine for you. Just read your labels closely & if there are words that you cannot pronounce than it is probably something you do not want to buy. Changing your diet has a lot of benefits. Start small & work your way up gradually. Your health will change on all levels! Support local farms & organics too! Reduce your carbon footprint! You might want to check out Food Babe to see the latest research or start to read Mind Body Green.
Buy more “green” products & use products that are against animal testing. Yes, it’s sad that for women the beauty industry has a lot of scary ingredients in it to make us look beautiful on the outside. However, the real work must be done on the inside. Change your diet & reduce the hormones from going into overdrive. Buy products that you know that won’t be supporting destroying the rainforest & killing the animals. Use products that do not contain parabens cos they are made from petroleum or oil! There are many affordable items on the market these days that do not contain any harmful ingredients. Just do your research & read your labels. Peta has a list of cruelty free items http://features.peta.org/cruelty-free-company-search/index.aspx .
Listing to sound & music are wonderful healing tools. The Solfeggio Frequency can really change your life! I’ve been using them for almost a year now. I will admit that the best way to listen to them is buy using buds or headphones. It’s a form of silent mediation to clear what no longer serves you in your cells. To learn more about them check out the following link, http://attunedvibrations.com/solfeggio/.  Listen to music that will uplift you. Angry music will just make your moods go down. It’s about raising your own personal frequency.
Tapping of EFT is a great tool! The Tapping Solution is a great resource to learn the art of tapping on meridian points. Seriously this is some good stuff. It takes a while to get the hang of it, but once you start it’s a piece of cake. It really does work to reduce your stress level.
Daily writing is wonderful. Creating gratitude journals, list of compliments to yourself & just write about what you feel. Journaling is very powerful. There’s noting wrong with burning your journals to let go of what no longer serves you. The art of letter writing is also good, write a letter to a dear friend or love one or a family member expressing your true feelings, but you have the power to share it with them or just burn it to release the pain.
Work with daily affirmations in a positive sense. Create lists; say them out loud to practice them with confidence. Over time they will become a part of you & the blockages in your subconscious will be gone.
Work with healers or a good counselor to get you back on the saddle again. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of you first. Taking care of you & being true to yourself is the most important thing for your own health. It takes a lot of work & inner real courage to do this. It just doesn’t die once you start; it’s an art of growing in ways that create the real miracles that you are seeking.
Travel! Seek out the world & what is calling you! Leave your comfort zone. Go into the unknown. Take that leap of faith. The world is beautiful! Even the coldest to driest climate on Mother Earth are remarkable! Seek out the world, there’s beauty all around! It means if you really want to go to Ireland or the West Coast & haven’t been there, go! Take a risk! Be true to your calling! No time is more important than the present moment!
As I continue to walk the path of finding myself with the tools of a great wizard I must remember to take time for me & to have some fun too. Got to lighten up & enjoy the time in the NOW! I will admit that I love reading a good book. I’ve just discovered, well they were guided to me during my shirodhara treatment. Hands of Light: A guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field & Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing by Barbara Ann Brennan. Be still & listen to your guides. Also, take a trip to your past lives & revisit your akashic records for some help along the way. There’s nothing wrong with learning the art of which you truly are to set you free & create in ways that you once thought was impossible! Making friends with your fears & keep swimming as Nemo says to capture your dreams!

"Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free."
~ Eckhart Tolle

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