The Force...

“People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing,
Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin,
When I say that I'm o.k. they look at me kind of strange,
Surely your not happy now you no longer play the game,

People say I'm lazy dreaming my life away,
Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me,
When I tell that I'm doing Fine watching shadows on the wall,
Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball?”
~John Lennon

Sunset Kennebunk Beach
Shall I take the red pill or the blue pill as Alice has contemplated before going down the rabbit hole…Hmmm…by my own surprise that the further down the path I get, things just start to manifest in ways that I couldn’t imagine. Lately, I’ve been called to watch some of my favorite movies from my childhood. As a kid growing up in the States, the movies would be the Star Wars trilogy not Robin Hood over in England. I’ve been guided to watch the movies for some time now, I really have to give the credit from reading all of Mastin Kipp’s founder of The Daily, columns & amazing first book Daily Love Growing into Grace. There’s something very powerful in George Lucas films that has always touched me as a kid. As the seeker that I always have been, was always fascinated about “the way of the force”.  But, if you look closer into the philosophy then you can clearly see that they are rich with Joseph Campbell’s teaching in these mega blockbusters. It’s more about the story of the path of a soulful warrior looking for the truth & beauty to free himself. 

“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship, it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.”
~Often Attributed To Ralph Waldo Emerson

Often, I’ve been thinking of all the beautiful families that I’ve had from Shimane to LEX to my own personal Soul Group that has shaped me. Family doesn’t necessarily mean that you are just bound to the one that you were born into in this lifetime, friends & work environments can become one. Just look past the label to find your own. It feels like a source much like the Sorting Hat as Harry puts on when he enters Hogsworth showing him which house he belongs to. I’ve been thinking that a sorting hat type of force must had randomly drawn for me to go to Shimane while on JET to meet the people who I met there. Some have become great friends. It’s a feeling that you have when you made a great friend, no need to question it with your mind cos your heart leads you. Let your heart guide you on figuring that out for yourself. 
Sacred Spaces
Trust the path that you are one, is what I’ve been hearing over & over again from acupuncturists, vibration healers, reiki masters to therapists.  At first, I was hesitant like Neo or Alice, but knew that I have been meat to do great things. I just have to on trust that & it will appear with time. Funny how the biggest shift I have seen lately is with my eye. You must be saying, what is she really talking about? Come on you haven’t gotten a clue at this point what I’m talking about. As a visual storyteller who has a great love for my camera, my eye has changed quite remarkably in the last several months. Maybe it has somewhat to do with spending a summer at Maine Media Workshops being around creative people 24-7, but a greater credit can be given with the amount of work that I’ve done on myself. I just have to on trust the path that I am on & great things will happen…

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