Last week or not...
“O world, I cannot
hold thee close enough!”
~Edna St Vincent
Thanda Sign |
My days tend to blend into each other. From arriving back from
Durban & Drakensberg it’s been crunch time. It’s my last week of the
photography project at Thanda Private Game Reserve with African Impact. It’s a stressful one with many submissions &
making sure that everything in my Lightroom Catalog is going smoothly with
making sure to do a number of back up on external hard drives. Luckily a friend has been very patient
with me on my numerous Lightroom headaches that I have experience in the last
week, but I’m very grateful that this friend of mine has taught me how to use
the program correctly. I keep on teaching myself new things as well with the
program. It’s never ending my learning curve; keep on expanding & growing
is the nature of the game.
“Listen to the sound
of silence.”
~Paul Simon
Warthogs Running |
The reality of what your going to see is endless & it’s
never planned out like a good screenplay with the perfect cast. I had an encounter
with a very muddy elephant extremely closed to me while on a game of drive. It
was cool to “actually eye an elephant” so to speak from the back of the range
rover. I got soaked during a massive thunderstorm on one of the drives as well,
but with a dose of silly positivity from my other friends we managed to survive
it. We need the rain out here at Thanda, the watering holes are all dried up
& with water as life force energy they need it survive. I would love to
take a magic wand to transfer all of the snow that New England has received
& place it into the watering holes for the wildlife. But unfortunately that
will not work & global warming is a reality. Also, I got to go to “Elephant Interaction” where I learnt
all about the animal & got to touch it’s tongue, behind the ears, tusk
& skin. It was pretty cool with the fact that I got to feed the elephants
as well!
With my last week, it will be time to be saying good bye to
the friends that I’ve meant during this past month. It will be hard cos in part
it’s saying good bye to your family.
Funny, how my week just played out with “signs” from the universe &
some encouragement from my father, that I have found myself rescheduling my itinerary
to stay a wee bit longer out in the bush.
I do know that I’m met to be here for some reason & to help out certain
people with my resources. However, since the photography project is only a
month, I’m being moved over to the research department. I’m still got a photographer’s
eye for detail with the heart center consciousness to developed beautiful photos
out of what I see after I get that research shot. It’s going to be quite the adventure…
insightful, grounded, and thorough guided experience that has been expertly
curated by two of the most influential spiritual leaders of our time.”
~ Patheos