There’s no question that Africa gave me a chance to grown in
ways that I didn’t think was possible. I miss the continent very much, the
friends that I made and the ones that I made lasting bonds with, the animals
roaming wild, taping into divine life force energy, yummy food, experiencing
something new with excitement and missing the beauty of the place. Right now,
I’m in one of my healing crisis where all that I have been doing for the past
week is balling my eyes out cos I released something great with increasing my
vibrational energy and stepping into my higher self. The fact that I release
something that no longer serves me is actually freeing, releasing old thought
patterns and beliefs that no longer serve its purpose to live peacefully in the
present moment. But right now, I got all this fear swimming over me cos I need
to dive into the unknown to embrace the beauty right now. Lately, the lyrics of
Van Morrison and Bob Dylan speak to me with the powerful mantras of
Krishna Das and playing with my four legged friend when I get
the chance helps with the process. As, I start to look back at what the year
has given me, I can say that I have been blessed with the people that have come
into my life, the places that I’ve been (I didn’t think that I would ever get
to go to Dubai) and most important just how far I have grown. Just working on
planting seeds and seeing them grow right now is the nature of the game….