Exploration of Roots...

Roscommon Castel
As Bob Dylan sings in Solid Rock, “It's the ways of the flesh to war against the spirit
Twenty-four hours a day you can feel it and you can hear it” the lyrics have been in my head all week not to mention the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh have been speaking to me recently. When you start to step into oneness things change. You see things in a new light and start to think of the stuff that you once had a struggle with no longer serves you. Funny, how I came over to these parts I saw the similarities very quickly from many generations throughout my own family lineage.  It’s nice to escape the city for a wee bit. I found myself staying for the last couple days with a cousin out in Ballyard who owns Helen's Ballyhard B&B, Helen has a very charming home. It’s very welcoming here and you will enjoy your stay for sure. She will talk your ear off and will give you a fab tour rich with history.  I took Bus Eireann out to Glenamaddy in the western part of County Galway, however, the bus only runs a limited service on selected days for a limited service or best bet is to hire a car. I have enjoyed my time learning more about my relatives and seeing many similarities with them and myself and my own family. I sensed my grandmother’s spirit with me too and know that she is happy that I visited with her family once again.
Cows in Field
I have been on the go go. That’s right the go go, like “New York is a go go”. It has been so nice to spend some time out in the country to recharge my inner battery with inhaling all that spirit has to offer with being in nature. There’s so much beautiful healing that is taking place. I have been seeing many shades of greens with browns not to mention some cows and sheep’s as well. I can tell you that Les Petites Tartres in Anthleagure, Co. Roscommon is a lovely café to grab a bit to eat, you can find out who has passed away on the radio with the daily obituary announcements, that they go to mass as “a social gathering” to see everyone once a week or more from the village and not to mention some of the old burial grounds where my ancestors are with some old homesteads. I had to laugh cos my mother would be happy to listen to the Irish radio instead of reading the paper or searching the local funeral home’s website back home for the obits. I do know that she’s bummed that she didn’t get a chance to come along with me again to the Emerald Island to visit with family. I guess it’s always been a thing from my childhood to do. I recall from my grandparents visit and telling us when they got back that would take us all to Ireland if they won the lottery. That didn’t happen, but I have made my way over here again and I’m going a wee bit deeper with my exploration.
I’ve been trying to find a leprechaun with that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so to speak, not to forget the fairies and little people. Those things do exist. You just have to go a wee bit into the spirit realm to make contact with them. Fairy trees can be found where you place a belonging on the tree, tie it up and make a wish. Also, wishing wells are a common site as well. Listing to Gaelic at times, finding some craic and there’s a never a dull moment.  Honestly, it’s really up to you in the moment to seek out the adventure, to find the stillness with beauty. 

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