Christmas Flowers...
A traditional Christmas flower, the poinsettia, is a high vibrational one. To go deeper with the meaning it's associated with the crown chakra and helps you to find a way to work towards your life purpose, inspiring others, and of course celebrations. This Christmas, rather than thinking of all the bad that is out there. Honestly, the news media giant loves to tempt us with it. I can barley read through my New York Times morning brief without thinking can you please tell me something else rather than the pandemic or the insane number of lives lost. Imagine a world where we get to see good in the news reports and other people's stories. I'm working on deeping my own connection to gratitude every day. It's been a battle since as long as I have remembered the old ways of promoting fear and terror have been with me. I tend to find inspiration with the daily cards I draw. They change from time to time, and I actually love using a deck that I have made and right now I'm working with Robert and Hollie Holden's Everyday Miracles a card deck base on The Course of Miracles. Funny, as a kid I despise poinsettia's, as it turned out this year I have a few of them around me and I'm actually loving them. I love that they are a reminder that the angels are with me guiding me this holiday season and every day of my life on Earth. There are signs everywhere and synchronicities are always out there guiding you once you are ready to listen to the messages.