Stepping into Oneness

Numerology can tell you that 2016 is a “9” year and it's filled with loads of transformation energy! End of many cycles and new ones just beginning... I love this song actually from the White Album Revolution 9 .  As, I look ahead to the year I can clearly see that I have a clean slate on what will be filled with all kinds of amazing things that will unfold over time. Yes, Chris patience’s is the key. The universe will reveal itself to you when you are ready. A well trained Jedi Master knows that the key to bring about it is to keep a positive mind to manifest amazing abundance filled with the highest good. I got to keep on reminding myself to “be here now” and that “fear is not real” to live peacefully during the course of the many moments of the day. It’s about accepting what the present moment brings and coming to the self realization that I’m far greater than I ever had imagined. It’s time to go deep within myself to find the answers not always looking around at the external world for the answers. I can say that from a creative who does get lost with her own mind thought at times to the point where I have my close friends and family more worried about than actually mad at me that it’s an on going process of self acceptance. It’s about coming to terms to those limited beliefs and fears that are holding me back, some that I have struggled with is that I’m not loved, I will not fit in cos I’m different from the rest and I’m not where I need to be to name a few of them. But truth to the beholder is I have to constantly remind myself that I am where I need to be and that I’m ok in the moment. I have some amazing friends out there in this world that I love very much! I might just end of surprising them in my own crazy way to show them how amazing they are to brighten up whatever they are dealing with in the moment. I do get sad if I haven’t heard from them in the way that my “ego” would like me to hear from them, but my true self knows that I am appreciated and loved. I guess that we as humans do struggle with the same issues from time to time like everyone else. The sadness that I see in myself could be a reflection of the sadness that is in you. We are all mirrors of one another and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I guess you could say that more than ever I must need to embrace to power of oneness and to step into my own power to truly shine in this beautiful loving world. One love!  

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