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For the past week, I was thinking about what I was going to say. I even had quite the bit of notes written out. On my notes I wrote about the books that I have read over the years that have shaped me to come into my own power, Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, Power vs Force by David Hawkens, PHD and The Hidden Message of Water by Dr Masaru Emoto. I had a few quotes written too from John Lennon and Bob Dylan with the basis of my affirmation cards are a result of all the hard inner work that I have done on me to build my confidence.
Chris Ann and I started our hour off with talking about my travels and how they came to be. Honestly, the inspiration came from my mom's father, my grandfather at a very early age. Joe was a Captain of an oil tanker and sailed around the world. He would bring back the currency for myself and my sister always giving it to us and telling us about the places he went. Besides my grandfather, art was my favorite subject in school along with social studies. I was glued to reading maps at an early age and dreaming about all of these lands from watching all of these National Geographic specials. Also, my dad would tell me about his friend who was a National Geographic photographer too. I told the story how I begged my parents to let me to go to Europe when I was 15 on a school trip and that I was bummed that we didn't get to go to Ireland on that trip. I just took me a while to go "home" you could say with my travels in the last few years to visit family and explore the beauty of the West. I also spoke about how I remember one fall day where I was taking a walk with my mom on Kennebunk Beach telling her that I wanted to backpack to Australia and I was going. I did have the courage to tell her my dream of seeing the world and I set off for half a year trip visiting family in Oahu, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. Long story short, I found out about the JET Programme while sailing in Fiji and once I got back to the States was very excited to fill out the application. I had my mom use a type written to type it out for me and a cousin of mine helped me with my essay. I spent the time talking about going to Japan for a couple of years to teach English. Part of it was my soul calling and the other was getting some inspiration from watching Robin Williams' Good Morning Vietnam. In a nutshell, I also spoke about going to Californian to live in a tent cabin in the woods which lead me to sailing around South East Alaska with Lindblad Expeditions and how I got to sail from South East Alaska threw the Panama Canal, got my Divemasters over in Utila in Honduras went to work on an amazing wildlife conservation photography project with African Impact to changing my ticket to go back home while in South Africa with a layover in Dubai where I meant up with a friend who I worked with at the Colony Hotel on Ocean Ave, in Kennebunkport to doing healing work in Ireland. That's my travels in a nutshell. I could on and on with this.
I designed my cards from my photography with messages that were channeled from the Divine to me with a water color paining that I painted. Chris Ann and I, also got talking about how my affirmation cards are perfect to use for that daily does of inspiration and to give yourself or someone else a min reading. Chris Ann was talking about how she was talking about how she used them at her Reiki share at the shop the previous week and they were a big hit! I got talking about how I gave my friends from my developmental circle a card at a dinner back in September and knowing the group that they could figure out the messages for themselves. I also got talking about how I sent the remaining cards to some friends and in particular that it made a friend of mine's day in the Bay Area. Spirit does want to work with you. I heard loud and clear during my mediation the morning after my dinner that I needed to send this friend this car, and sure enough that none of my friends from the night before got the card. I was happy to hear what I needed to hear and sent out a card.
Also, I got talking about how my spiritual path, photography and travels are interrelated with each other. I sure do have a gift and I must be the light that world needs. It's all about getting rid of the patriarchal energies and honoring the divine feminine to bring into harmony right now with the world changes. We must have both to harmonize the world and my cards have both male and female energy to them. There's energy coming in from above in the universe and Earth's core that is brining about great changes for ourselves and for a society. We must take this time to embrace our own true nature by being true to ourselves and letting that be the shining light force that we want to be in the world.
I had Chris Ann pick a card and I gave the meaning to it. She picked the "Soar High" and my message was "Spread your wings and fly. Aim for the sun, moon and stars. Believe that you can do it and set your intention on the object of your desire. Connect to all that is waiting for you. Live your best life. The universe is abundantly proving for you and wants you to have everything that you truly desire." This card tend to be "THE" message for me for the past year in many ways. It came up a few times during our time together. It all comes down to the practice of Letting Go and let the universe shape me.

For those of you who don't know already here's a list of all of my online sites: