3rd World Reality
"Starving children in Africa are not poor because their consciousness is unaligned with love; they're poor because ours is. A billion people on earth live in "deep poverty"-that is, on less than a dollar and twenty-five cents a day. A billion more live on less than two dollars a day. Yet this is not an "exception" to the rule that love casts out fear. Quite the opposite, it is a collective lovelessness on the part of the advanced nations of the world that allows us to accept the reality of deep poverty, thus deflecting a miraculous solution. When we collectively make love our bottom line-making humanitarian values rather than short-term economics the organizing principle of human civilization-then the situation will indeed miraculously change. According to economist Jeffrey Sachs, one hundred billion dollars (one-seventh of the annual militarily defense budge of the United States) could eradicate deep poverty within ten years." ~Marianne Williamson
"I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up and was not happy." ~Ernest Hemingway
"I never knew of a morning in Africa when I woke up and was not happy." ~Ernest Hemingway