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How are you doing? I keep on passing this sign as I walk by the library on my daily route to get the mail at the post office. If you are like me, perhaps you have a lot of WTFs going on in your head! I know that this great pause is a time for the Earth to heal itself, and a time to journey inward to attend to my own garden. I keep on remembering the line from the Abraham Hicks book that I read to reminds you that life isn’t a struggle and you always want to be having those downstream thoughts. Well, I have been out of work from my various gigs and been working on finding ways to be creative to make ends meet right now. If you are like me, perhaps you are wondering if the world can be compassion enough to stop playing mind games of judgements against one another. Can we take a look at the bigger picture here. We are face with creating a more loving and Earth right now as we sit at home and wait. It’s time for us to blossom into who we were born to become! Let’s us not forget to turn on our love light and let light up this world!