Feeling It...

I picked up my Ewok friend, Wicket, at Disney's Hollywood Studios as my cousin and I were leaving a couple of weeks ago. We both were grateful that we got to go onto both of the Star Wars attractions at Star Wars Galaxy Edge. I'm the bigger fan and was grateful that she waited for me to experience the attractions together. Like the Ewok's we are all in this together! We are ONE not separate from one another.
Ah, with my Soulful Seers Cards, there's a couple of messages that go along with the ones that Wicket is holding.
Send a Letter To A Friend-It's VERY important to let loved ones know that you are thinking of them. I can't stress this enough. Oh, no, I can't cos it's a simple human practice. No matter where a loved one may be in the world, I always find a way to reach out. Text, call, send a bloody letter, post something funny, send an email, randomly send a present, ah the list is endless. Really it is. We are all creative, tap into the creativity and go from there. Of course, I sent out numerous St Paddy's wishes. Also, I sent out a card to a friend who just loss a parent and randomly gave a few gifts to loved ones. It's not that hard. Just open your eyes. Be willing to see beyond the picture.
Be The Light! Be well! Be the Love!
My Soulful Seer Products can be purchased on my Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/ ChristineAnuszewski and my Society 6 shop at https://society6.com/ christineanuszewski.