Change Comes From Within

As I was reading my Mastin Kipp newsletter this morning over a cuppa, I came across this beautiful affirmation to help heal your own life. It was too beautiful not to share. Yes, we need to take care or ourselves more and more. Have you ever wonder why you may be feeling a lack of energy, it's from not protecting yourself, most likely you gave your power away. Start to ask yourself if your beliefs that you have are really yours or belonging to someone else. Take pride and value in healing yourself on all levels to get to the good stuff, the you that was buried under those layers. Stand in your power and shine bright! 


I allow Divine Love to heal my body today.
As I do, I take grounded action to get the best medical advice I can.
I love myself enough to value taking care of myself. I am worth healing.
I am grateful for another day. Today, I am alive. Today I am healthy. Thank You.

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