Inspiring Friends...

Ah, when you need a lift into seeing how bright you are and that potential is within yourself, what better way to watch a few You Tube Videos from those friends that inspired you. Inspiration from friends is a blessing.Take notice and appreciate the gifts with it! A few of my favorites...

The secret in becoming mentally strong by Amy Morin. I went to college with Amy at the University of Maine (Orono). I've read her book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" and I was quite moved by it actually. I found deep insight in it. Beautifully, beautifully, beautifully. Just pick up a copy and start reading. It's all about learning to love yourself first and having that radiate onto others. There's a great article that gives more of the insight to Amy's wisdom over at Success with the article 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do.

I just love this video my friend Jeff did, "Wisdom of John Muir". It's short and it's amazing. It takes me back to those days of sailing with Jeff on the National Geographic Sea Bird/Sea Lion in Alaska. 

Friends are amazing to tap into their energy. They are totally worth the time to invest in and to seek out the many lessons and gifts that they have for you. Truly beautiful! 

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