When You Get That Heavy Feeling...

I just love this simple reminder from my friend Sharon Fitzmaurice! I know from personal experience that this winter has been hard for a lot of reasons. It sure has been a time to check in with my inner self, guru, source, or what ever you want to call it. My heart has been feeling way too heavy and it's time for me to let it go and reclaim my power back on a much stronger level. The world needs LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Sweet LOVE is needed from all of us and it must start from ourselves. We can't wait for others to do it for us. The real power comes from within.
"When you get that heavy feeling in your chest and you feel weighed down, take a deep breath and just tell yourself "it is time to let it go", whatever 'it' is, it no longer serves a place in your heart. If you fill your heart up with too much of your past hurts, you can't expect there to be any room for new love to flow in. What happened in the past can not be changed, the only thing you can change about the past is the way you now feel about it.