Inian Islands

Sea Otter
There’s a place in Southeast that has an abundance of wildlife that no other place has that I have seen.  The Inian Islands located just north of Elfin Cove in Icy Straight is an enchanted place to take a Zodiac cruise where if the tide is just right your in for a lovely surprise. I found myself on a guest Zodiac cruise with Pete as the Naturalist.  I’ve taken this cruise several times before over the last couple of years & I just love it cos you never know what you can see.  I’ve seen whales before, but this time I didn’t see any with the wind & the bumpy ride.  However, I saw a couple of sea otters feeding & cleaning themselves, not to forget playing in the kelp beds.  Also, I saw an abundance of sea lions where I was screaming with excitement cos they were very playful amongst the waves & super close to the Zodiac.  Not to forget that I saw a couple of sea lion haul outs too in my hour & half cruise around the islands. There were several types of birds feeding on fish too.  The weather conditions were overcast skies with a brief shower or two, yes; the liquid sunshine does still make an appearance during summer. Overall it was a fantastic afternoon to unwind & to take in one of my favorite spots before returning back to the “Lower 48” shortly.  When I reached the boat the Captain asked me if I screamed & I said no with a smile on my face…
Stellar Sea Lion

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