A Little Change, You Could Say....

Dear My Fellow Reader, 

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, I had to make some changes with my business. For personal reasons I have decided to stop offering my note card sets. I do have several sets still for purchase on my Etsy shop at https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChristineAnuszewski. Supplies are limited and once I have sold out of everything, I won't be making any more. Sorry for the inconvenience to those who look forward to my sets.  

With moving forward with my business, I will be offering individual note cards. The note cards still have my signature prints, and have been created with a whole lotta love. They are perfect to mix and match your favorite designs for you to create your own sets. I do know from over the years of making note cards, that some of you do have your favorites designs. I hope that you will still continue to love these note cards as much as I do.

At the moment, I have a very limited number of designs for you to choose from. I hope to increase my offering in the future. Please be patient with me as I go through this change. 

If you would like to purchase my note cards directly from me please email me at info@christineanuszewskiphotography.com. For online orders you can shop now on my Etsy site at https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChristineAnuszewski.

Thank you for your continue support. I look forward to serving you in the future. Have a beautiful day! 

Be well,
Chris xo

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