Japan Needs Help
I recall being on a boat somewhere in the Eastern Pacific off of the Baja California coast last March when an earthquake hit outside of Tokyo and caused the Fukishima Nuclear Power Station disaster to be the worst since Chernobyl. Tsunami warnings went out across the Pacific in matter of minutes. Yes, nuclear waste is deadly and just look at all of the side effects it has to the environment and its people that got effected. Something to open your eyes on how precious life is & to take action for prevention. I was very worried about my friends in Matsue &Tokyo during the time, but am happy that everyone is ok. I stumbled upon this link today about an upcoming documentary being made about the reality of the crisis in Fukishima Surving Japan. It looks like a really good project that needs some support. Yes, change can be brought about from a grassroots movement to be a powerful & positive change.