Holding Space and Letting Go...

The topic of "holding space" came to me during stillness. When you keep on unfolding layers of yourself like a flower does your letting go of those layers that no longer serve your highest good. You got to remember that you can't control people and situations, no matter if you are doing it for their own good. Basically the principles of letting go of judgement, allowing your heart to open from the power of love, allowing another to have whatever experience they are having and giving your completely undivided attention to the situation or other person. Just hold a scared space, send them love, bright white light, power of prayer and good intentions that they can find their own inner strength. Trust in the greatest force of the universe. Everything is working out and by letting go, your actually helping the situation. Let go of all those labels and what your ego is telling you is right! Letting go and creating space are powerful healing tools!

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