Peaceful Flowers...
Ever notice how peaceful and still a flower is? You can be that way too. Nature is a beautiful teacher to remind you of to stop worrying, anger, criticizing, judgement, controlling, perfectionism, doubts, fears and gathered for yourself and others. You don't need to lookout side, but rather within for the answers. Take a deep hard look at what your mind is telling you about yourself and others, is it really true to this moment? You don't have to be beating yourself up over all those things that your monkey mind is telling you! Question those thoughts, it's healthy to do so.LOVE is the way to cultivate anything. LOVE helps you to create peace, joy, happiness, meaningful relationships and bliss...Count your blessing and send LOVE out, first to yourself and then to others. Set intentions, healthy boundaries for yourself, say "no" to things that no longer serve you for your highest good, make time for yourself, nurture yourself with healthy decisions in the "now". We are all one and mirrors of one another. Take action in the now in creating the life of your dreams...