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Walk to Freedom...
Long before I set out for South Africa, I always wanted to read "Long Walk To Freedom". I've always admire Nelson Mandela for overcoming his inner obstacles out on Robben Island. I believe that the world can learn so much from this man and what he did for himself first and allowed that to transform a nation. There's so much beauty in South Africa. My "Oneness" card from my Soulful Seer Soulful Deck is the perfect match for Mandela's spirit and wisdom that embrace so many of us on this planet! We are in times of great shifts personally and for a society as a whole! What better way to embrace them is by learning from other people who have transform their own life from their own personal limitations. They way to change these days is to embrace the new, don't go back to old and updated beliefs of the past, a New Earth is emerging. To truly honor it we must embrace the yin and yang, Divine Masculine with the Divine Famine, Nature with nurture, love with hate, etc..we must first go within ourselves and let our work be a ripple of hope onto others. We must rise up to our own ego and let that to fall away and to deepen our own love for ourselves! Oneness is the way to many blessings, abundance, prosperity, peace, joy and happiness! Be the light that the world needs and let it begin with you! Just think how powerful it is to turn the "me" into "we" are one!