Helping kids threw running...
I got an email from a dear friend of mine that was just beautiful. I like hearing his "call" to run the NYC Marathon on November 3, 2013. I was more touched on the act of kindness that he has to run to support Kids Unlimited . It was nice to see that there's a lot of resources for kids these days to get the help that they need to be a success. The world keeps on growing to shower people with love & kindness by helping others. My friends fundraiser page is Running The NYC INC Marathon to Support Kids Unlimited!Check out the site cos it's just awesome! According to my friend "I'm running to benefit KIDS UNLIMITED of Toledo, OH. KU is
an incredible educational and social program for inner-city children founded by
my friend Chris Amato in 2006. The goal of the program is to galvanize the
effort in the community to help children become successful despite being raised
in extreme underprivileged circumstances. KU is committed to showing
that positive results are achievable with a focused and consistent program. I'm
also running it for my childhood friend Kenny who passed from Cystic Fibrosis
when were in high school. He is an inspiration to me every single day and I'm
dedicating the race to him." Beauty is every way you just look. Just open your eyes on it!