Ah, The Road Back Home...
Watched an sexy and delicious sunrise in St Andrews By the Sea & St Stephens, NB the other day before I crossed the river back. Was At Mardens first thing in Calais as I waited to go to my US Customs Appointment to finish my Global Entry application. Made a pit stop on the way home...found a famous house that belongs to a fellow UMaine grad who wrote some well known novels, The Shinning, Misery, It, Pet Cemetary, and not to forget that I share the name of one, but it’s about a car. I only saw Stephen King on stage playing his guitar with his band as an opening act for the Wallflowers when I saw them at UMaine. Drove around campus and found 2, out of the 3 places I lived and when I saw the mall first thing that came to mind was those bench burning by some lads after a hockey game and all the times I spent in Stevens Hall immersing my brain with those pol sci classes to make sure I graduate. I did graduate, being the first one in my family who did and I saw the famous score board that had my name on it at graduation time! My dad stood in front of the scoreboard to capture a photo too! Funny, Stephen Kings house is right around the corner from the TJ Maxx I used to go to, but never found it during my years of living up there...