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Addicted to Thinking...
"I'm addicted to thinking. I'm a member of thinkers anonymous. I'm addicted to thinking and understanding. God, Protect me from a world where no one in present. Awakening transcends ego. The ego scoffs. (silence) (repeat silence) Most people on a spiritual path aren't clear of the two. The mind "comments" on spiritual inquiry... The only thing that passes the test is the SiLeNcE of the mind... that's it.. then ... the mind gets clever..... too much spiritual knowledge is a dangerous thing, unless your awake in the silence of the presence... the ego will resist. ..... discover the ego. why does it fight your awakening... how do you overcome it? until you ask this ... there is no hope of true awakening. the ego is clever . foxy some may say. awake to compassion. then you reveal your ego in action without judgement or struggle. effortlessly. ....." ~Leonard Jacobson y Mas