"The shape of the soul is different. No one else can ever get inside your world and experience firsthand what it is like to be you. This is at once the mystery of individuality as its great loneliness. Those close to you can best sense and imagine what it is like to be you, but they can never feel, see, or know your life from the inside. The deeper ground of individuality is to be sought in the originality of the Divine Imagination manifest in the relish of beginnings. The Divine Artist is utterly creative, makes each thing new and different. Each individual express and incarnates a different dimension of divinity. Each one of us comes from a different place in the circle of the Divine. Consequently each one of us prays out of different inner world and each one of us prays to a different place in the Divine Circle. This is the place left to come here. This is the empty nest in the Divine where the secrets of our origins, experience, and destiny are stored. When we pray, we pray to that space in the Divine Presence which absolutely knows us." ~John O'Donohue